Redeem curiosity last week, Em-Plus will review more about Kawasaki EDGE that carries the name of this Edge. With a cylinder capacity of 111.4 cc, this motorcycle has a power of about 8.4 dk. Quite a big yes to 110 cc.
"More precisely, the power went out at 7700 rpm engine rev. Largest torque was 8.13 Nm/6.300 rpm, "said Basuki Freddyanto, Manager of Promotions and Marketing Research PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia (KMI).
Well, the torque itself, Edge also offers greater traction. No wonder aja, from any stationary state, so grip is played more in gas, power was easy dikail.
Increasingly felt as the black Kawasaki edge is used berkelir run. From first gear to third gear, said energy-answer seemed there was no decrease in mean when your teeth to shift gears more teeth tinggi.3251hal16_kawakedge_boyo2.jpg
Freddyanto was kind enough to tell the tooth ratio comparisons used by this Edge. For the teeth I, 36/12. Gigi II, 31/16, Guido III, IV and teeth 27/20, 25/23.
No wonder, for a single tooth to penetrate digeber maximum speeds of 40 km / hour. Was second gear, the needle penetrating spido more than 60 km / hour. Teeth three, ran up more than 80 km / hour. And the last 4 teeth, through more than 100 km / hour. When the last tooth, as if to keep the power does not drop.
"Indeed. Starting from first gear until the last tooth, the energy palpable. This is very different from the Kawasaki Blitz," said Hadi Wijaya, Kawasaki racer who had accompanied the Em-Plus Edge Kawasaki tried Pantura area, West Java.
3252hal16_kawakedge_boyo3.jpgMakin interesting again, and it was Em-Plus look at the numbers odometer mileage vehicles alias has more than 6000 kilometers lho. If anything, the energy that came out deserves thumbs up. Yes, because there is no means of motor decline had traveled much for.
With easy dikail power in the following rounds, this character surely can be said for the type of urban bike. Especially, the capital city of Jakarta. Know yourself, definitely urban areas filled with traffic.
"With the easy fishing effort in the run-down, it will affect fuel consumption. Fuel, will be more efficient," said Freddy, Basuki Freddyanto friendly greeting. Indeed, in addition to fuel, also influences the physical lho. Bejek Kan enggak need more gas.
Oh yes! For the limiter CDI, Edge was set at a higher rate than Kawasaki Blitz. If Blitz is only pegged at around 8000 rpm, Egde higher. Precisely, tuh 10,500 rpm. The higher the round, meaning the further run dong. you still want to rev the engine bergasing again.
No wonder, with the limiter higher gear ratio and the ratio meetings, Edge Kawasaki is to apply the final classified as heavy gear. That is, 14/38. Well, what if given more teeth so lightly anymore. Can more easily fished down tuh power lap.
One thing that feels comfortable enough to turn this Edge Kawasaki engine. Although the kick starter through the process lightly considered slah lho. Yes! Not too heavy. Only with the swinging leg, the engine roared even easier.
"This is thanks to Kawasaki Automatic Compression Release (KACR). With this feature, so more women drivers to start the engine easier than using an electric starter, "said Freddy.
This decompression feature, located in the noken aces. So also for keteng chain. Chain keteng a different applied Blitz. On the Edge practically carried the same model with the Suzuki Shogun.
Chain model is usually called a single model. The goal is more to make more low friction and spin more easily, "said Ibn Sambodo now mengkomandani Kawasaki racing team in the road race event.
In addition to the more practical models, this will affect the selling price of parts. Certainly, the price of spare parts will be cheaper than back Blitz. Sipnya again, Edge has also adopted the alias Kawasaki KSAI Secondary Air Injection. "Yes, this feature clean air sprayed on the former combustion gases. So that exhaust gas to be more environmentally friendly, "said Freddy again.